Wednesday, April 6, 2016

research paper

Throughout history the world has had many different belief systems . Most of these belief systems have influenced the lives of their followers and the society where the belief was practiced, two of the major belief systems were Christianity and Confucianism .
    Christianity was a monotheism religion they believed in one god . Christians a moral code that includes the ten commandments. they also believed that Jesus was the savior." is an Abrahamic monotheistic[1] religion based on the life and teachings of Jesus Christ as presented in the New Testament. Christianity is the world's largest religion"(wikipedia) Christianity was spread-ed across western Europe to Latin America , and is still practiced today.
     Confucianism is practicing traditional manners and rituals , expressing love and respect , honoring of ones ancestors . People need to respect the members of their families . Children must respect their parents  and elder relatives , parents have to care for their children with love and kindness." also known as Ruism,[1][2] is a system of philosophical and "ethical-sociopolitical teachings" sometimes described as a religion.[note 1] Confucianism developed during the Spring and Autumn Period from the teachings of the Chinese philosopher Confucius (551–479 BCE)"(wikipedia).
   These belief systems started over hundreds of years ago and still have a strong influence on today society , we still practice these religions .Beliefs systems have an a big effect on today's society today we still use the methods that were made over centuries ago .  

 "Christianity." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation. Web. 06 Apr. 2016

 "Christianity." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation. Web. 06 Apr. 2016.


Monday, February 1, 2016

community service paper

I choose to do my community service with special needs kids in our school. I learned a lot from my experience of working with them. what some people do not understand is that when you work or communicate with special needs kids or adults you have to be patience because of the disabilities they have it is sometimes hard to understand them and what they are saying. 

 Throughout my experience of working with the kids I've gotten to know Ahmed, he is a wonderful kid to work with and be around he loves shoes (Jordan's) , phones , pictures and coloring . Ahmed and I would color together and see who could stay in the better me or him, we would also choose each others colors for the pictures that we would color .

I feel like community service has a big impact in our society , to be able to help people in our community for free is a big deal and i know it is much appreciated by the people who get the help. I think what people fail to realize and forget is that everyone has different lives and are all going through different challenges they face every day so it is always good to remain kind and give out a helping hand .

I personally choose to work with them because i knew i would enjoy being around and helping them out every day , you learn something new from them weather its their culture , favorite color , number of siblings , their favorite food etc.. , its nice to be there for them so they can have a extra pair of hands and an extra ear to listen to them and help. 


10 first words when i think about economics

1: money
2: politics

Monday, January 11, 2016

Animal farm citation

George Orwell - Animal Farm Quotes

 Book - Animal Farm
Orwell, George.
 Animal Farm
New York: 
Published - Harcourt, Brace & Co.
Type of Media :   Print.
First published August 17th 1945

Key Quote:  “Man serves the interests of no creature except himself.”

Key Ideas:  Government,  Communism, Revolution, Fascism, Marx, Hitler, WWII, Great Depression, WWI, 1945, Story, Allegory, 

Animal Revolution, Good Government, Human Nature, Liberty and Justice

  Animal Farm is an allegory (story) about some (animals) who revolt and take over the (french). George b,  the author, wrote this book to discuss government ideas  and the problems of  Communism and Fascim.